Sunday, June 26, 2011


Hey there, today I'd like to talk about Pet peeves. Pet peeves are those small things that frustrate your and drive you nuts. So what drives you insane?

I'm gonna share a few of my pet peeves (if I was to list them all, the list would be endless!)

For me, if I'm doing something in my room, I need to have the door closed. Full stop. I don't care if there's no one else in the house. The door HAS to be shut!

What else drives me crazy? Being told what to do. I don't think I'd make a very good employee because if I'm about to do something like clean my room or workout and someone tells me "Oh! Clean your room." That's it. I'm not doing it anymore. 

The rest are pretty self- explanatory:
  • People who never reply when you compliment them on their pictures. 
  • People that "like" every single comment on facebook.
  • ppl who tak lyk dis.
  • The sentence " Oh sorry! I din't know it was your birthday; I didn't check Facebook today! " Great save.
  • Hot milk with cornflakes.
  • Mushy cornflakes.
  • When my phone dies in the middle of a conversation.
  • The invigilator clicking the stapler in my face in the last five crucial minutes of the exam! 

Now, I know you're probably associating me with a fire breathing dragon but really, I'm not that scary (I hope :p).
Anyway, share your pet peeves below by leaving a comment.
P.S. It's okay if you sound like a mad cow; secretly we all have some really crazy pet peeves!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Summer Vacation! Bored?

Summers can actually be pretty boring if you don't do anything productive. Think this article is not for you?
Well here's a test: Do you do anything except sleep, wake up, eat, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, T.V. ? If no, then you better read this!

Renovate your house:
Have nothing to do? Clean out your room/ house. Are you yawning? Believe me when I say I don't enjoy cleaning either but doing it with your whole family can be something fun! Take some before and after pictures for more motivation. If your house is starting to look grey and old, then why not have a paint party! Invite your friends over, grab some paint brushes and paint, and GET PAINTING! :) 

Renovate yourself:
Change your look. Dye your hair, cut your bangs, get some or shed those extra pounds! By the end of the summer, your friends should turn around and say, "Wow! You look great!" Renovation doesn't have to be physical, you can try and change some traits about yourself that you don't particularly like; think of it as having a clean slate, you can start all over! If you're shy, try to become more confident; if you're lazy, try to get active and organised.

Go on a vacation!
Who doesn't love a nice escape to somewhere exotic? Go on a vacation, it's a great way to spend your time with your family! If you're stuck at home and can't do that for some reason, not to worry. Have a vacation at home! Explore your city like a tourist, believe me you're sure to find new and exciting things that you never knew. To get the full experience, stay at a hotel far from your house!

Learn something new:
What is something you always wanted to learn? Do you like dancing, drawing, basketball, knitting? Well whatever it is that you never had the time to learn, now is your chance! Who knows maybe by the end of summer, you'll be a pro guitarist?!

Summer Job:
Wanna earn some green? Do a summer job! Search online for summer jobs in your area and send in your CV. Unfortunately for those in UAE (like me), it's pretty hard to find a job :( but don't quit! Send your CV around to your favorite stores (stores usually hire anyone in the summer). 

You don't to lose your fitness during the summer. Whether you need to lose weight or not, you need some exercise everyday so that you can stay fit and healthy. It doesn't have to be hours on the treadmill (unless you like it!), it can be anything you like: swimming, dancing, cycling, walking, yoga, even cleaning your house!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Top 10 things to do when bored:

  1. Dress your pet as superman!
  2. Pretend you're Mojojojo and freak your family/friends out!
  3. Speak in an accent of your choice (indian is my personal favorite).
  4. Better yet, sing in another accent!
  5. Dare yourself to fly(that should keep you busy :P)
  6. Fuse your favorite foods together and EAT! (eg: ice cream and chips)
  7. Watch barney and pretend you enjoy it.
  8. Pretend you're an undercover spy and run around yelling, "AH! THEY'RE COMING FOR ME!"
  9. Watch some NigaHiga (that guy is such an inspiration for fun people) :D
  10. Comment below with your idea! ;)